Poor Olive is around again, but she has got mange, probably from the extremely mangy dog fox. She is considerably more nervous and no longer sits in the garden in the daytime but sneaks in at night to grab our leftovers. Luckily, I had a spare bottle of the homeopathic mixture for fox mange, so I have been making her a honey sandwich every night and sprinkling four drops on it, as instructed. I hope they do the trick. (My partner is sure it's Olive, but I'm not so sure; I think it could be her sister, Kinky, who was always more shy than Olive. Whichever it is, I shall do my best to save her.)
As I was putting out the sandwich, I came across - in fact, almost trod on - these two snails making one another's acquaintance, I assume in preparation for doing whatever it is snails do to propogate their species. Exchanging slime, perhaps. Although I hate slugs, who seem obscenely undressed without a shell, I have a soft spot for snails and love their burnished, earth-coloured shells. Here they are, Romeo and Juliet, though I have no idea which is which.
I also snapped this peacock butterfly on some blossom beside the pond.