Sunday 9 November 2008

Fox 1, Cat 0

As if it wasn't enough being chased by a deer, today poor old Flad hurtled through the cat flap with the vixen, mother of this year's cubs, in hot pursuit. She halted in front of the cat flap and pondered for a moment, as if wondering whether or not to venture through. Luckily, she didn't and I hope she never does. She and her progeny cause enough trouble as it is. One of them was even impudent enough to crap in poor Flad's outdoor bed, a cardboard box filled with the paper out of the shredder. I stroked him and spoke soothingly to him whilst watching the vixen's brush, an unusual shade of copper beech auburn, disappear round the bushes. Flad's tail was so fluffed out, he looked like a black and white fox himself.


Jackie Sayle said...

I'd say it's time Mr.G. put his carpentry skills to making an outdoor house for Flad. Warm, cosy, with a ramped entrance and a couple of 'viewing the world' perspex windows. What say you?

hydra said...

Great idea. But next door's cat would instantly colonise it, just like she has taken over the sheepskin bed we placed by a radiator behind the sofa. She was hiding there all yesterday and we didn't know till she got up. She hates the neighbour's elderly dad who has moved in, so she comes round here instead and is trying to get herself adopted, which is OK but she hisses and growls at poor Flad, who ignores her.

Jackie Sayle said...

That pair sound like naturals to be married. LOL.