Tuesday 4 May 2010


The first swifts appeared in North West London a few days ago but none have made it to Hillingdon yet. Today, I walked down the street they love swooping over, my ears straining for their shrill screams, my eyes scanning the skies for their whizzing flight, but still no sign. I think last year I saw the first ones on 7th May so they still have a few days to go.

I've been sent this super link to a kestrel's nest webcam in Belarus. At first I thought the kezzie had abandoned the nest as the eggs were untended for at least an hour, but mum (or is it dad?) returned in the end and settled back on the clutch. They are an amazing colour, a kind of cochineal red. The nest site looks as if it is in a church tower. What do you think?


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