Sunday 17 April 2011

Thirsty vixen

The young vixen who has been visiting the garden for the last few months now has cubs. I was surprised because at no time did she look as if she was expecting, but now her teats are distended and she is obviously feeding babies and while I was away in Devon, my partner actually saw two of them through the hedge.

She knows by some kind of osmosis exactly when I am sitting down to eat and trots onto the deck, sits on the other side of the patio doors with her head cocked, looking at me beseechingly with her bright, gold-rimmed eyes and when I get up and rummage in the biscuit jar, she backs off down the lawn. I walk forward, biscuit in hand, eyes down (I've found that making eye contact as I approach is too confrontational and causes her to run away), put it down on the grass and as soon as I turn to go back indoors, she rushes forward and grabs it.

She has a particular fondness for peanut butter sandwiches and has had two today already. I worry that she might be getting too dependent, but I feel sorry for her as she has mange and her tail is down to bare sinew with a pompom of fur on the end, and also I admire her for her cleverness in working out that if she sits around and looks cute, these daft humans will throw her some food. I am looking forward to meeting her cubs.

Here she is, having a drink from the pond. The photo was taken through the kitchen window.


Teresa Ashby said...

Peanut butter sandwiches - I think you spoil your foxes - and why not :-) I would too! She's lovely!

Jackie Sayle said...

I hope having given birth and having cubs to suckle doesn't drag her health down further. Have you dosed any of those sandwiches with mange cure yet?

I tried putting marmite sandwiches out for our foxes but the daft cat rushed out and licked all the marmite off the bread.