Friday 8 July 2011

Stag at bay

Hearing a commotion in the kitchen, much banging and crashing, I rushed in to find next door's cat had caught a huge male stag beetle and dragged it in through the cat flap. She was busy batting it about the floor with her paw when I rescued it in the dust pan, took a photo, then released it outside in the shrubbery where, after a few dazed 'where am I?' moments, it took flight and soared off presumably in search of a mate.


Teresa Ashby said...

Wow what a beauty!

Jackie Sayle said...

I don't think I've ever seen one round here.

Glad you rescued it.

hydra said...

The first year I was here in May there were dozens. Now I'm lucky to see three or four in a season. I report all sightings to People's Trust for Endangered Species (PTS).