Tuesday 27 December 2011

A Raven in Hillingdon

It was with great excitement that we witnessed a raven inspecting the corpse of the turkey yesterday. We had thrown it out for the foxes, but this magnificent bird got there first and helped itself to several beakfuls before flying off with a large chunk of turkey. We had to get the RSPB bird book out to check that it wasn't a carrion crow, but it was bigger and had that distinctive pointy head, dark beak and way of holding its wings and tail. And it was huge! To be doubly sure, I Googled images of ravens, including the Tower of London ones, and am now 100% sure that a raven it is! It appears to be solitary. I wonder where it is roosting?

By the evening, the foxes had dragged off the remains and we thought we'd seen the last of the raven. But no. This morning, I spotted it checking out the bird feeders.

And then it hopped down onto the grass to see if there was any more carrion around, which would be far more to its liking than peanuts and suet balls! I think it's going to be a rather frequent visitor from now on.

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