Tuesday 13 March 2012

Is she or isn't she?

You know I said the vixen wasn't pregnant? I took these pictures yesterday and now I'm not so sure. There does seem to be a slight bulge, doesn't there? Ooh, how exciting!


Teresa Ashby said...

She certainly looks pregnant! How lovely x

Jackie Sayle said...

Yup, I'd say she's pregnant.

hydra said...

I'm turfing out the contents of my freezer, mostly fish that's past it's use-by. She had salmon steaks last night so the cubs will be getting plenty of good nutrition.

Jackie Sayle said...

I'm plumbing the depths of my freezer(s) right now and we're eating all sorts of freezer burned stuff. It's best put in a sauce/ under mash or pastry. Doesn't kill you but tastes fine with the right seasoning.