Saturday 15 June 2013

A helping hand for the fox family

The cubs race around the garden so fast that it's hard to take a decent photo. But it's good to see them both doing so well. The odd thing is, a second vixen, whose coat is a darker colour, seems to be helping their mum bring them up. There's no sign that she is feeding cubs of her own. I wonder if she's a sibling of the cub's mother, or one of last year's cubs who failed to found a family of her own? She is so shy that the moment you raise the camera, she's off, speeding into the bushes.

Often, the second vixen is the one who appears first, like the lookout, checking that it's OK for the cubs to appear. Then you see a cheeky little face and the bolder cub ventures onto the lawn, followed by cub number two and Mum. Haven't seen Dad for a while. Perhaps, knowing that the family are being helped, he has gone on his way.


Teresa Ashby said...

Beautiful pictures :-) x

Neil Lambert said...

Aww, what adorable photos. :) I love foxes. I'm glad you enjoyed the fox photos I sent in that email... wish I could capture some like that, but I've never been lucky enough to see any closely enough in the wild yet. Hopefully some day!