Sunday, 9 May 2021

They're back!

 I was out on my daily walk when I heard a familiar sound that I hadn't heard for many months and looking up, I saw swifts! The sight made me feel so happy that I just stood on the pavement with a silly grin on my face. 

    It's a cloudy, breezy day today and it did cross my mind that, as the weather in the South-East has been so awful lately with heavy showers and gales and temperatures way below the norm for May, they might delay their arrival, but they're bang on target. 

    I just hope that, with clearer skies due to the lack of flights, and fewer humans milling around, the insect life might have recovered over the lockdown periods. I shall keep my fingers crossed and hope the swifts will have a good feeding and breeding season in the UK in 2021. 

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