Tuesday 23 December 2008

Olive's den

Our garden is the perfect habitat for a fox. It has a wild nature garden down the bottom, it has a water supply - the pond - and it has food, all the after-dinner scraps and birds' bread. Now out next door neighbour has informed us that Olive has dug herself a den under the shed. Not the shed down the bottom in the wild area, but the shed right up close to the house and next to the fence, and her earthworks have provided a handy tunnel for next door's pedigree Bengal cats to escape through. Normally they are held captive by an electric fence - though Chi-Mimi, the crazy one, has outwitted every attempt to keep her in and makes massive leaps from their shed roof to ours and is frequently to be found asleep in one of our kitchen cupboards, or even the bread bin. I suppose a squashed white loaf makes a nice memory foam mattress for a cat.

Now my partner says he is going to evict Olive and block up her den. Methinks the wily vixen will outwit him. Place your bets now...

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