Tuesday 30 March 2010

Unusual bird

It was the song that alerted me first. It was one I'd never heard before, a loud, piping call not unlike that of a green woodpecker, but more melodious. Then I saw it, up in a tree and grabbed the binoculars, and that's when I reeled in amazement. The bird I saw was about the size of a collared dove, but was like a mini macaw, every colour under the sun. I saw gold, green, red, blue... was it an escaped lovebird? Anyone know what sounds lovebirds make? I am now keeping my ears pricked and my camera ready on the table.

PS Have done my homework on Google and I think it might have been a Conure. Anyone lost one in the Uxbridge area?

1 comment:

Jackie Sayle said...

Had to look the Conure up on Google. What a colourful bird. Beautiful!