Wednesday 12 August 2009

Caterpillar poo !

I have given up on eating my home-grown rocket for reasons that are obvious from a glimpse of this leaf: caterpillar poo! They are the larvae of the Large White butterfly. I watched their mums laying the eggs so I don't mind doing my best to raise them from egg, to pupa, to butterfly. So long as they stay off my tomatoes!


Jackie Sayle said...

Blimey! I knew I'd forgotten to sow something - lettuce seeds. Thanks for reminding me. Can quite see why you don't fancy eating yours.

hydra said...

I have some wildflower seeds which Alan won't let me sow. Have you a wild corner where you could use them?

Jackie Sayle said...

Yes, I have. That'd be lovely thanks.

hydra said...

I'll post them then x

Jackie Sayle said...

Got them this morning. Thank you!x