Sunday 27 September 2009

Hillingdon Pigeon!

My partner couldn't believe his eyes this morning when a very strange looking pigeon strolled onto the deck and began pecking up spilled seed from where I had filled the bird feeders the previous day. It had red feathers underneath and on its tail, otherwise it looked like a very large pigeon, until the cat fancied his chances, whereupon it took off like an Olympic sprinter across the lawn and easily outran the cat. It was seeing it fun rather than fly that made my partner realise that it was in fact a partridge. There is a petting zoo down the road with all kinds of fancy birds including partridges and pheasants. Perhaps this was an escapee! Wonder if we can persuade it to perch in th pear tree for Christmas?

1 comment:

Jackie Sayle said...

Perch in the pear tree at Christmas? Might be nice roasted if you can bag a brace.*grins in evil fashion*