Monday 28 February 2011

Big frog

Just one thing was alive in the pond after the fish death disaster and that was this very large frog. We scooped it out and it waddled off into the bushes. Tomorrow, the pond will be filled with gravel to half its depth, and then refilled and started anew. I hope the frog will like it, even if it won't be five feet deep any more.


Teresa Ashby said...

I love frogs! There was one sitting on the pavement when I took the dogs out the other day - fortunately they didn't notice him!

I love reading about your wildlife and have awarded you a Stylish Blogger Award. Details at I hope you will share seven things about yourself on your blog and pass the baton to 15 more bloggers, but no worries if you’d rather not.

hydra said...

I wish I'd measured him or her. He/she/it was humongous! And thank you kindly for the award!